Curious Questions: What really happened to the Flying Dutchman? - Country Life (2024)

  • Curious Questions

Tales of phantom ships are as old as time itself, but the story of the Flying Dutchman has haunted sailors for generations.

The fate of a merchant ship owned by the Dutch East India Company, which went missing off the Cape of Good Hope in 1641, was the source of increasingly more lurid tales. By May 1821, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine was telling how its captain, Van der Decken, after searching vainly for the Cape and caught in a storm, swore that he would round it, even if it took until doomsday. The ship was condemned to sail the seven seas for eternity either as punishment meted out by an angel for his blasphemy or because he had made a pact with the devil to survive the storm.

The Flying Dutchman, a ship that seemed to come out of the horizon sailing on air, became a harbinger of doom. According to some, its ghostly crew would crowd on to the deck, waving letters to be delivered to their, by now long lost, relatives, which, if accepted, would bring misfortune. Some seafarers believed that if they saw it, they too would never reach land again.

Curious Questions: What really happened to the Flying Dutchman? - Country Life (1)

The Flying Dutchman, painted by Charles Temple Dix. The ship is often described as having clouds for sails. Credit: Alamy stock photo

The first record of a sighting of The Flying Dutchman appeared in John MacDonald’s Travels in various parts of Europe, Asia and Africa (1790), but perhaps the most famous occurred at 4am on July 11, 1881 somewhere in the Bass Strait between Melbourne and Sydney. On board HMS Inconstant were Prince George of Wales, the future George V and his brother, Prince Albert Victor of Wales.

In their joint diary, they recorded that The Flying Dutchman crossed their bows. ‘A strange red light as of a phantom ship all aglow, in the midst of which light the masts, spars, and sails of a brig 200 yards distant stood out in strong relief as she came up on the port bow’. The quarterdeck midshipman was sent to the forecastle ‘but on arriving there was no vestige nor any sign whatever of any material ship was to be seen either near or right away to the horizon’.

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In all, 13 members of the crew reported seeing it. Inevitably, tragedy struck. ‘At 10.45 am”’, they reported, ‘the ordinary seaman who had this morning reported the Flying Dutchman fell from the foretopmast crosstrees on to the topgallant forecastle and was smashed to atoms’.

Members of the British navy off the Cape of Good Hope on January 26, 1923 saw a phantom derelict ship, luminous with two masts and a thin mist where the sails would have been. Second Officer Bennett later reported the incident to Sir Ernest Bennett, a member of the Society for Psychical Research, who included an account in his book Apparitions and Haunted Houses: A Survey of the Evidence (1934).

Landlubbers were also gripped by the myth. Heinrich Hesse romanticised the story in From the Memoirs of Herr von Schnabelewopski (1831) by allowing the captain to go ashore once every seven years to try to gain his freedom by winning the hand of an unsullied maiden. This version was used by Richard Wagner for his opera, Die Fliegende Holländer (1840), with van Derdeeken and Senta being the protagonists.

Despite its association with seafaring disaster, curiously, the first steamship to enter the Stikine River in British Columbia in 1862 was called The Flying Dutchman. It was also the name of an express steam locomotive which from 1849 until 1892 ran between London and Bristol and of an English thoroughbred racehorse which won all but one of its 15 races between 1848 and 1851.

Curious Questions: What really happened to the Flying Dutchman? - Country Life (2)

Engraving of the express train The Flying Dutchman, on its way to Bristol, minding its own business and not haunting anyone. Credit: Getty

Those imbued with a less romantic spirit, though, sought to provide a rational explanation of the phantom ship. An early attempt appeared in Frank Stockton’s Round-About Rambles (1870) in which he tells of a captain’s reaction when some of his crew reported a sighting. ‘This strange appearance’, he explained, ‘was caused by the reflection of some ship that was sailing on the water below this image, but at such a distance they could not see it. There were certain conditions of the atmosphere…when the sun’s rays could form a perfect picture in the air of objects on the earth…this appearance in the air is called a mirage’.

A mirage is an optical illusion caused by the refraction of light. When light hits a boundary between two layers in the atmosphere which are at different temperatures, it bends and travels through the new layer at a different angle, the degree of change dependent upon the difference in density between the two layers.

Refracted light poses an almost insoluble problem for the human brain. When we see light, our brain assumes that it has travelled in a straight line from the object that has emitted it. Even if the light has refracted along the way, it simply places the object where it would have been had the light travelled in a straight line. Just think of what happens when looking at a fish in a clear stream; it is not where your brain tells you it is.

There are two basic forms of mirage; inferior, where the image appears to be lower than it really is, and superior, where it is higher. A superior mirage can make things appear bigger, closer, distorted so that the object appears stretched or elevated, an effect known as towering, and as if they are suspended or floating in air. It can even make an object below the horizon become visible.

Curious Questions: What really happened to the Flying Dutchman? - Country Life (3)

A wood-cut of the Flying Dutchman, showing it hovering out of the water, suggesting that it is probably simply a mirage. Credit: Alamy

The phenomenon of The Flying Dutchman is thought to be a complex form of superior mirage, a Fata Morgana, which occurs when there is thermal inversion, where cold, dense air near the Earth’s surface is trapped beneath a layer of significantly warmer air. If the thermal inversion is greater than 10 degrees Celsius in 100 meters, the curvature of the light rays within the inversion layer is stronger than the Earth’s curvature, effectively trapping them in an atmospheric duct. The duct will then concentrate the rays rather than allowing them to disperse into space. Mindbogglingly, if our eyes were strong enough, a duct would allow you to see around the whole of the earth and your own back and shoulders turned towards you.

While a thermal inversion does not necessarily create an atmospheric duct, an atmospheric duct cannot occur without a thermal inversion, and a Fata Morgana requires both. A Fata Morgana can be seen anywhere and at any altitude, once the conditions have been met, and it will display any form of distant object such as boats, islands, and the coastline. Often it will change rapidly, showing inverted and upright images that are stacked on top of each other or alternating between compressed and elongated images. However, to see one the observer must be within or below an atmospheric duct.

And the Arthurian connection? Fata Morgana is Italian for Morgan the fairy, a reference to the sorceress Morgan le Fay who in some Arthurian legends is his half-sister. Her first recorded appearance was in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Vita Merlini (1150) and she was said to have used witchcraft to conjure up mirages of fairy castles or false coastlines to lure sailors to heir death, especially in the Strait of Messina.

We may no longer imbue the sighting of a Fata Morgana with superstitious dread, but the power of the image still remains.

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Curious Questions: What really happened to the Flying Dutchman? - Country Life (2024)


Curious Questions: What really happened to the Flying Dutchman? - Country Life? ›

The ship was condemned to sail the seven seas for eternity either as punishment meted out by an angel for his blasphemy or because he had made a pact with the devil to survive the storm. The Flying Dutchman, a ship that seemed to come out of the horizon sailing on air, became a harbinger of doom.

What happened to the Flying Dutchman? ›

Because Will Turner became the new captain, he would now serve aboard the Flying Dutchman for all eternity, bound to ferry the souls of drowned seamen into the afterlife, as Jones had before him. After Will's one day ashore with Elizabeth, the Dutchman disappeared into the green flash in order to complete its duty.

What is the real story of the Flying Dutchman? ›

Lesson Summary. The Flying Dutchman is a European maritime legend about a phantom ship condemned to sail forever. Dutch folklore designates the captain as Hendrik Vander Decken, whose mission is to find the Cape of Good Hope. However, a freak storm thwarted the captain, and he could reach his destination.

Is the Flying Dutchman real, yes or no? ›

The Flying Dutchman (Dutch: De Vliegende Hollander) is a legendary ghost ship, allegedly never able to make port, but doomed to sail the sea forever. The myths and ghost stories are likely to have originated from the 17th-century Golden Age of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and of Dutch maritime power.

Why can't Elizabeth stay on the Flying Dutchman? ›

According to an answer to a question from this leaflet from the At World's End DVD: Will's father is not alive—he and all the other crewmen on the Dutchman are in a state between the living and the dead. Elizabeth will not survive the journeys where the ship must travel—so she is not able to join the crew.

How does the Flying Dutchman end? ›

He summons his men to resume their endless voyage. But as they set sail, Senta throws herself into the sea, vowing to be faithful to him in death. Redeemed by her sacrifice, the Dutchman ascends to heaven with Senta, and his ghost ship finally disappears.

Where did the Flying Dutchman happen? ›

The Flying Dutchman was a sea captain who once found himself struggling to round the Cape of Good Hope during a ferocious storm. He swore that he would succeed even if he had to sail until Judgment Day. The Devil heard his oath, and took him up on it; the Dutchman was condemned to stay at sea forever.

What is the summary of the Dutchman? ›

Summary. Dutchman is an emotionally charged and highly symbolic version of the Adam and Eve story, wherein a naive bourgeois Black man is murdered by an insane and calculating white seductress, who is coldly preparing for her next victim as the curtain comes down.

Is the Flying Dutchman a tragedy? ›

The storyline is a rather grim tragedy featuring characters with some serious issues. The Dutchman has been cursed to roam the seas forever, only being allowed on land every seven years to find a woman to love him and break the curse.

What was the curse of the Flying Dutchman? ›

In this version, the Dutchman (Wayne Tigges) has sold his soul to Satan and is forced to live at sea. He can only return to land every seven years to find a woman who will be with him until death, it is only then that the Dutchman is able to break the curse and find redemption.

Is Flying Dutchman evil? ›

The Flying Dutchman is shown to be cruel and sad*stic. He enjoys terrorizing people for his own amusem*nt.

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Definitions of Flying Dutchman. a phantom ship that is said to appear in storms near the Cape of Good Hope. type of: apparition, fantasm, phantasm, phantasma, phantom, shadow. something existing in perception only.

When was the last sighting of the Flying Dutchman? ›

There have been many sightings over the years, although the last reported one was by a Nazi submarine in WWII. Some sightings involved the Flying Dutchman sailing quickly through calm waters while the majority of sailors have spotted it during extremely stormy weather with wind and waves crashing all around.

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With Beckett finally vanquished and her father's death avenged, Elizabeth Turner bids Jack, Barbossa, and the pirates farewell before reuniting with Will for their "one day" on the nearby island where their marriage is consummated and their only child, Henry Turner, is conceived.

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Several days later, Sparrow ended up in a wedding of his own at Hangman's Bay, forced to marry Pierre "Pig" Kelly's sister, Beatrice.

What is the Flying Dutchman weakness? ›

It's immune to all debuffs and has a high resistance to knockback. However, it has a weakness: it cannot move down through platforms. Therefore, a good strategy to defeat the Flying Dutchman is to stay below it on a platform and attack from there.

Why was the Flying Dutchman abandoned? ›

The ship was condemned to sail the seven seas for eternity either as punishment meted out by an angel for his blasphemy or because he had made a pact with the devil to survive the storm. The Flying Dutchman, a ship that seemed to come out of the horizon sailing on air, became a harbinger of doom.

Who becomes the new Flying Dutchman? ›

Jack, who now possesses Jones' heart guides Will's hand to stab the heart and kill Jones. Bootstrap carves out his son's heart and places it in the Dead Man's Chest. Will becomes the Flying Dutchman's immortal captain. Now under Will's command, the Flying Dutchman resurfaces, and the crew has reverted to human form.

Who was the Flying Dutchman before he died? ›

In real life the Flying Dutchman was a 17th century Dutch merchantman, captained by Captain Hendrick Van Der Decken, a skilled seaman but one of few scruples, and in 1680 was proceeding from Amsterdam to Batavia in the Dutch East Indies.

When was the Flying Dutchman last seen? ›

There have been many sightings over the years, although the last reported one was by a Nazi submarine in WWII. Some sightings involved the Flying Dutchman sailing quickly through calm waters while the majority of sailors have spotted it during extremely stormy weather with wind and waves crashing all around.


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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.